Sunday, April 25, 2010

Trail work at Dishman and Canfield

Today I went over to Coeur d'Alene to help with trail work. A new trail is being built on the City owned portion of Canfield Mountain. There were over 30 volunteers. The local bike shops and North Idaho Freeride Association both helped to bring volunteers. An employee for Coeur d'Alene Parks department was there to oversee the building. He was excited to have our support and seemed very enthusiastic towards mountain biking trails.

On Saturday I helped out with the WTA/REI trail work party at Dishman Hills. WTA is a trail building association for hikers although the trails they build are multi-use trails. Me and Dan Webber spent the morning widening a switchback so it was rideable for bikes. I'm hoping WTA will host a work party at Beacon in the future.

Helping other groups is a win-win because of the positive relationships that are established. Locals in N. Idaho are talking about forming their own mountain biking organization or forming an affiliation with FTTRC. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Peter -

Glad you came out to CDA. Let me know if you want me to go to the meeting with you on Wed.