Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jumps rebuilt

Some old jumps that were deteriorated at Beacon have been recently rebuilt. The lips were rebuilt and the landings were lengthened. The jumps are much smoother now!

On the tabletop jump pictured below I rebuilt the lip, added some dirt to flatten out the top and smoothed out the landing.

The landing had lots of ruts from dirt bikes so I filled in the ruts and reshaped the road so water drains properly. Here is the landing now:

The last few jumps on Ryan's Gulley (next to the dual slalom course) have also been improved (thanks Dave). There is now a tabletop jump which leads to 3 gap jumps that are rebuilt with new lips and landings. We added some case pads to the landings so now people will be less likely to crash if they come up short. The last 2 jumps are pictured below:


Antron said...

I was there!

Peter Jantz said...

Ah yeh! Thanks for the shovel work! We did more work further up the trail today, improving more jumps. The whole line is going to be sweet when we're done with it.